Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What I Have Learned In German 110

Throughout this class I have learned a lot about the country of Germany. I took four years of German in high school, but I never really learned much about the country. I learned a lot about the history, and how Germany got to be how it is today. The only topic I knew much about before attending this class was the Berlin Wall period. I learned a lot about the beauty of Germany. I liked the topic on the natural beauties of the country. I learned about the breathtaking forests, mountains, and waterfalls as well as the always changing landscape as you travel from city to city. I also learned a lot about the states of Germany. I never knew how different they are all from each other. I thought they were more like American cities, but I have now learned that they are more like the states here in their uniqueness. I have learned not only about the country, but the people that live there. I learned that men dominated the media scene until pretty recently, but that the women would do whatever they had to in order to be heard. The topic that I think will really stick with me though is the RAF. I think that one got my attention the most. I’ve never heard of the group, or what they did, but they really caught my interest. I was surprised that something like this occurred in a country that I spent many years learning the language of, but I had never heard about the group. I learned a lot of very interesting things taking this class, and I’m very glad that I decided to take it. I hope to someday get the chance to travel to Germany and see many of these things for myself.

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