Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baader-Meinhoff Complex

Movie Response:
I was really shocked by many parts of the movie. I couldn't believe how real some parts seemed, how much emotion they provoked, and how intense the entire film was. The scene that stuck in my mind was the beginning protestors that were beaten almost to death, and one shot. I can't believe how the people were treated just for voicing their opinions. I was also shocked by how comfortable everyone seemed to be with each other. It was like there were no boundaries between any of them if they were fighting for the same thing. The movie made it seem like you were right there with the protestors. That group of young people was actually really inspiring in some ways. They were not willing to stop fighting for what they believed was right, even if that meant risking their own lives. It showed how they would not stop until their voices were heard, or their lives were ended. They were all about being in control of their own lives. The character of Gudrun stuck out the most to me. She gave up everything she had, even her son just to fight for what she believed in. I’m not sure that I would be able to do what she did, or that it was the right thing to do, but she really showed a lot of heart for what she was doing. The movie appeared to show what happened very well. I think it was a very good representation of what really happened.

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