Monday, December 6, 2010

Red Army Faction

The group can be traced back to the student protest movement in West Germany. The maturing of the baby boomers that were born following WWI was related to social upheavals in industrialized nations. Racism, women’s liberation, and anti-imperialism were at the forefront of left-wing politics. The group categorized itself as a communist group fighting fascism.
The three stages of the RAF:
1.       Baader and his associates
2.       The original group plus some former members of the Socialist Patients’ Collective
3.       Created a decade after the first generation, existing from 1980s to the 1990s
When the Soviet Union collapsed, it left a serious blow to left-wing groups. Attacks continued to be committed by the RAF well into the 1990s. In 1992 it was confirmed that the RAF had been given financial and logistic support from the Stasi. In order to weaken the organization even more the government released some RAF inmates in exchange for the promise that the RAF would refrain from violent attacks in the future. The final attack by the RAF took place in 1993 with the bombing of a newly built prison.
Similarities between the RAF and current terrorist attacks
·         Are willing to go as far as possible to fight for what they think is right
·         Kidnapping of important people is involved
·         There is civilian loss
Differences between the RAF and current terrorist attacks
·         The RAF stayed in their own country, today’s attacks are international
·         Current terrorists are more ready to die in attacks

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