Tuesday, August 31, 2010

16 German States

Baden-Wurttemberg: This state has a population of nearly 11 million people. The Minister-President is Gunther Oettinger, and the the capital is Stuttgart. This is the third biggest state in Germany, and is in the southwest of Germany.

Bavaria: This is the largest of all the states in Germany. Around 12.5 million people live in it, with 1.3 people living in the capital, Munich. Bavaria is split into seven parts.

Berlin: This is the capital of Germany, and the biggest city in Germany. As of November, 2008 around 3,400,000 people lived there. This city lies in the eastern part of Germany.

Brandenburg: The population here is around 2.6 million people. This has been a state since 1990. The capital is Postdam. Up until 1945 Brandenburg was the biggest province in Prussia.

Bremen: This is the smallest state in Germany. The population is 664,000 people. The official name is “Freie Hansestadt Bremen.”

Hamburg: This is a city in northern Germany. The population is around 1.73 million people. It is the second biggest city in Germany.

Hesse: The capital is Wiesbaden. There are three rivers in the northern part of Hesse, Werra, Fulda, and Lahn. It is divided into 21 districts.

Mecklenburg-West Pomerania: The capital is Schwerin. It is the smallest state capital in Germany. Normally it would be called a city. It has 6 major cities inside of the state.

Lower Saxony: The capital is Hannover, and there are 38 districts. The minister-president is David McAllister. The population is 8,002,916.

North Rhine-Westphalia: This state has the highest population in Germany. It is located in the western part of Germany. The capital is Dusseldorf, and the population is 18,033,000.

Rhineland-Palatinate: The capital is Mainz. The population is 3.88 million. This state was created on August 30, 1946.

Saarland: The capital is Saarbrucken. The population is 1,065,000. This state lies in the south-west of Germany.

Saxony: This state is located in the south-east of Germany. The biggest city is Leipzig, but the capital is Dresden. Saxony was founded in 1990.

Saxony-Anhalt: The capital is Magdeburg. The population is 2,580.626. The minister-president is Wolfgang Bohmer.

Schleswig-Holstein: This is the northernmost of all the states in Germany. The capital is Kiel. The minister-president is Peter Harry Carstensen.

Thuringia: This state is located in central Germany. The population is 2.45 million people. The capital is Erfurt. This is the fifth smallest state in Germany.

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